Casino Online Slovenia

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Spletni casino Slovenija

Nekaj ​​držav v Evropi je odprto in iskreno glede iger na srečo kot Slovenija. Država se šteje za eno najbolj liberalnih v zvezi z zakoni o igrah na srečo, hkrati pa zagotavlja, da imajo enega najbolj urejenih (in še odprtih) trgov iger na svetu. Zato ne bi bilo presenetljivo, če bi izvedeli, da je večina glavnih igralnic v spletnem svetu iger na srečo več kot odprta za sprejemanje igralcev s sedežem v Sloveniji. Neverjetno, ta odprtost do sektorja iger na srečo v Sloveniji je prišla v tako kratkem času.

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Zakon o igrah na srečo v Sloveniji

Igre na srečo so se prvič pojavile v Sloveniji že v šestdesetih letih, ko je bila država še vedno del Jugoslavije. Toda igralništvo je bilo takrat način pridobivanja denarja za dobrodelne namene. Do konca šestdesetih let je Slovenija naredila korak naprej pri odprtju prvega zemeljskega igralništva, leta 1965 pa je bil objavljen Slovenski igralniški zakon, ki ureja igralnico. Na začetku so se lahko v tistih luksuznih igralnicah, ki so se spuščale v državo, igrali samo neslovenski igralci. Postopoma so ljudje, ki živijo v mestih, ki mejijo na Italijo, dovoljevali igrati v igralnicah, preden je Slovenija sčasoma odpravila omejitve lokalnega prebivalstva, ki se igrajo v svojih igralnicah.

Ko se je država leta 1991 izognila Jugoslaviji, so se lotili ustvarjanja novega zakona o igrah na srečo. Te so začele veljati leta 1995 kot slovenski zakon o igralništvu. Kljub novemu zakonu še vedno ni bila urejena regulacija sektorja iger na srečo.

Od takrat so bili ponovno uvedeni novi zakoni o igrah na srečo. V teoriji dovoljujejo vsem slovenskim igralcem pravico do kockanja v casinoju, ki ga sponzorira država, ki je v lasti in upravlja nacionalna loterija. Seveda so te storitve namenjene lokalnim igralcem, kar je popolna sprememba starih zakonov, ki so v glavnem poskrbeli za tujce.

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Spletne in offshore igralnice v Sloveniji

Slovenija želi, da igralci igrajo v casinoju, ki ga sponzorira država. Nobene druge igralnice tehnično ne smejo ponuditi svojih storitev igralcem v državi. V Sloveniji so govorili o kaznovanju offshore operaterjev in zahtevali, da ponudniki internetnih storitev blokirajo dostop do spletnih igralnic na morju, čeprav to še ni potekalo.

Zaradi tega se lahko slovenski igralci odločijo za igranje v uradnem državnem poker casinoju ali pa se lahko odločijo igrati na offshore igralnicah. Večina offshore igralnic bo sprejela igralce iz Slovenije, ki bodo celo igrali še naprej in ponudili igranje v slovenskem jeziku. Ker Slovenija uporablja evro valuto, ni resničnega razloga, da bi v casino na voljo kakršne koli enotne valute, razen za evro.

Če ste na lovu na dober offshore casino igrati na, boste našli popoln izbor mest za igranje. S tako široko paleto casino območij, na katerih lahko izbirate, zagotovo ne bi smeli igrati na igralnih mestih, ki so na lestvici čudesnih ali črnih listov.

O igrah na srečo v Sloveniji

Če želite biti na varni strani, bi vedno priporočali igranje na edini licenčni spletni strani v Sloveniji. Na voljo je dostojno dovolj iger, športne stave pa so dovoljene tudi na tej strani, kot so igre na srečo. Seveda za mnoge slovenske igralce to ni dovolj in želijo več.

Če boste obiskali offshore casino, obstaja nekaj stvari, ki jih boste morda želeli imeti v mislih. Prvič, uporabite VPN (navidezno zasebno omrežje), da zakrijete svojo lokacijo. Za to sploh ne potrebujete, da bi prevarali slovenske organe (kot smo rekli, dejansko ne blokirajo dostopa do spletnih mest), vendar nekateri offshore igralnice ne sprejemajo slovenskih igralcev, zato lahko pridobi “lažno lokacijo” čudeže. Drugič, pazite na slovenske zakone o igrah na srečo, saj obstajajo govorice, da se te spremembe lahko spremenijo. Pogosto se govori o novih omejitvah, ki se izvajajo (kot je blokiranje offshore igralnic) in če se to zgodi, boste skoraj zagotovo morali uporabiti VPN za igranje v offshore igralnicah.

Z mnogimi različnimi vrstami igralnic, ki se nahajajo po vsej Sloveniji (vključno z običajni, prodajnimi mesti in razkošnimi hotelskimi igralniškimi igralci), vam že ponuja veliko možnosti iger na srečo. Zaenkrat Slovenija ostaja država, ki je zlahka ena izmed najbolj dostopnih v smislu spletnega stava, zato morate v celoti izkoristiti to.

Online casino Slovenia

Few countries in Europe are as open and honest about gambling than Slovenia. The country is widely regarded to be amongst the most liberal in terms of gambling laws, whilst at the same time making sure that they have one of the most regulated (and yet open) gambling markets in the world. It should come as no surprise then, to learn that most of the major casinos in the online gambling world are more than open to accepting players based in Slovenia. Amazing, this openness towards the gambling sector in Slovenia has come in such a short space of time.

Gambling laws in Slovenia

Gambling first popped up in Slovenia back in the 1960s, when the country was still a part of Yugoslavia. However, gambling back then was merely a way of obtaining money for charity. By the late 1960s, Slovenia had made steps towards opening up its first land-based casino, and the Slovenian Gaming Act was published in 1965, governing the casino. Initially, only non-Slovenian players could play at those luxurious casinos which were springing up in the country. Gradually, people living in the cities bordering Italy were permitted to play at casinos, before Slovenia eventually did away with the restriction on locals playing at their casinos altogether.

When the country broke away from Yugoslavia in 1991, they set about creating a new set of gambling laws. These came into effect in 1995, as the Slovenian Gaming Act. Despite the new act, regulation of the gambling sector was still not there.

Since then, new gambling laws in Slovenia have once again been introduced. In theory, they permit all Slovenian players the right to gamble in the nation’s state-sponsored casino, which is owned and operated by the national lottery. Naturally, these aim their services at local players, which is a complete reversal of the old laws, which mainly catered to foreigners.

Online and offshore casinos in Slovenia

Slovenia wants its players to play at the state-sponsored casino it runs. No other casinos are technically permitted to offer their services to players in the country. There was talk of Slovenia punishing offshore operators and demanding the ISPs (internet service providers) block access to offshore casino sites, although this has not yet come to pass.

As a result of this, Slovenian players can choose to play at the official state-sponsored casino, or they can choose to play at offshore casinos. Most offshore casinos will accept players from Slovenia, and they will even go one further, offering gameplay in the Slovene language. Since Slovenia uses the euro currency, there is no real reason to make any kind of local currency units available at the casino, save for the euro.

If you are on the hunt for a good offshore casino to play at, you will find a full-on selection of places to play. With such a broad array of casino sites to choose from, you certainly shouldn’t end up playing at dodgy, blacklisted or rogue casino sites.

About gambling in Slovenia

If you want to be on the safe side, we would always recommend playing at Slovenia’s only licensed online casino site. It has a decent enough selection of games, and sports betting is also permitted at this site, as are lottery games. Of course, for many Slovenian players, this just isn’t enough, and they want more.

If you are going to visit an offshore casino, there are a few things which you may wish to keep in mind. Firstly, you should use a VPN (virtual private network) to mask your location. You don’t really need to do this to fool the Slovenian authorities (as we’ve said, they don’t really block access to sites) but some offshore casinos do not accept Slovenian players, so getting a “fake location” can work wonders. Secondly, you should keep an eye on the Slovenian gambling laws, as there are rumours that these are subject to change. There is often talk about new restrictions being implemented (such as the blocking of offshore casinos) and if this comes to pass, you will almost certainly have to use a VPN to play at offshore casinos.

With many different types of casinos located across Slovenia (including both regular, betting outlets and luxurious hotel-style casinos) you already have a lot of gambling options open to you. For the time being, Slovenia remains a country which is easily one of the most accessible in terms of the online betting market, so you should take full advantage of that.

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