Eg Vs Liquid

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  1. Evil Geniuses Vs Team Liquid
  2. Eg Vs Liquid Ti8
  3. Eg Vs Liquid Live
  4. Eg Vs Liquid Esl Pro League
  5. Eg Vs Liquid Hltv

Please place bet and test our new feature. We are now accepting keys. You now can place 12 items totally ( 6 normal items + 6 keys). Just click place bet - trade with our bot - put in your items ( keys are also accepting) - GOOD LUCK! Live Streams Evil Geniuses vs Team Liquid on ESL Pro League S13 Counter Strike. Group Stage / Group D. That loss, coupled with wins from Evil Geniuses and Team Liquid, leave FURIA, EG and Liquid tied at 5-1 with one match left for each before the playoffs. Team Liquid dispatched Gen.G Esports 2-0.

Match Team Liquid vs Evil Geniuses result and VODs on BLAST Global Final 2020 Counter Strike. Playoff / Lower Bracket, Round 2. EG went for first-pick Drow two consecutive games, while Liquid countered her with two different strategies with mixed success.

MDL Disneyland Paris Major, Upper Bracket

This is thelast tournament of this patch, which makes it surprising that the current meta isnot entirely solidified. Only ~20 heroes haven’t been picked and even though thetop tier heroes are contested in almost every game, the rest of the hero poolfinds its way in and out of games relatively evenly. We’re bound to see someinnovations, especially in the form of creative counters to the most popularheroes.

Drow is arguably the meta-defining hero right now, which means that by the end of the tournament we will see teams which are confident in first-picking her, and others which have prepared creative strategies to counter her. This is what makes EG vs Liquid an especially interesting series to analyze:

EG went for first-pick Drow two consecutive games, while Liquid countered her with two different strategies with mixed success.

At the time of writing the article, Drow was picked 16 times, banned 48 (2nd most contested hero), and has a 56% win rate.

In an interview, Kuro said that he thinks she’s “not broken, but she’s really close”. He probably said that because Drow is very strong but counterable. This statement is reinforced by the fact that he let EG pick her in game one and two of their series.

There are two major aspects to the hero:

(1) Drow dealsvery high DPS from afar. This is the part that’s counterable with the rightheroes – if you get on top of her, she loses her DPS (and she’s a squishy rangeddamage dealer, so reaching her is essential anyway). Hurricane Pike and allieswith defensive mechanisms (most importantly Force Staff), might make this a bitharder in practice.
(2) She farmsextremely fast thanks to her instant creep-kill mechanic coming from herultimate. Once she hits lvl6, she wants to spend the majority of the early-midgame in the jungle. Ancient camp stacks help her a lot. To counter this, youneed to contest her jungle (take away her map control) and to try to gank herto slow down her farm. This, of course, is easier said than done because Drowhas 4 allies who will actively try to prevent you from doing that.

To beather, you usually need to have a plan for dealing with both aspects. In thatsense, an early-pick Drow defines the strategies of both teams to a significantextent.

What makesher “imbalanced”, is that her farming mechanic is so good (2) that she can oftenthrive even in games where:

  • She losesthe laning stage (she doesn’t need items to farm the jungle, just lvl6)
  • She getscountered by gap-closers (thanks to Hurricane Pike)

In thatsense, the key to her success is (2), which is hard to counter when playingagainst good, coordinated opponents.

Drowis currently the 5th or 6th most popular hero in pubs (onpar with Sniper) and the only one with a convincingly positive win rate (~ 55%)out of the six:

Above: Pudge, Lion, Jugg, PA,Sniper, Drow

This means that learning to play her is a goodidea, but learning to counter her is crucial if you want to win pubs consistentlyright now (more on her counters below). That said, it’s fairly likely that shewill get nerfed slightly in the new patch (most probably her farming mechanic).

Liquid used Brood in their first game against EG’sDrow extremely successfully. Brood is a great counter because she has an answerfor both (1) and (2). She is extremely fast in her Webs, which lets her get ontop of Drow relatively easily. Moreover, Drow doesn’t have AoE or mobility todeal with the Spiderlings.

More importantly,however, Brood is extremely strong in the early-mid game when Drow still needsspace to farm. This allows Brood to take control of the enemy jungle, and takeaway map control from Drow, even search for her in the jungle, which greatlyreducing Drow’s ability to flash-farm.

Broodhas faded out of the meta a little bit in the last few months, but Liquid’sconvincing success vs EG with it is likely to make the go-to Drow counter bythe end of the tournament. According to Dotabuff’s pub stats, Brood is the herowith the highest win-rate advantage over Drow, suggesting she is currently her hardest counter.

Sniper is a counter to Drow that works very differentlycompared to most. He simply has higher range than her, so he makes it hard forher to get to him in fights. Equally importantly, he is one of the bestanti-pushers in the game, which makes it hard for Drow to utilize her mid-gametiming to push high-ground.

Accordingto Dotabuff’s pub stats, PL is a good Drow counter. This is quite straightforwardto understand – he can get on top of her, and she lacks the AoE to deal withhis illusions. PL, however, is unpopular right now for one reason or another(slow farmer, countered by Crimson, etc.), which makes picking him against Drowrisky. Naga Siren, however, could providesimilar solutions. It is a bit harder for her to get on top of Drow compared toPL (her Net and ultimate help), but her illusions present a similar problem forDrow. Moreover, Naga is a great flash-farmer thanks to the interaction of RipTide and her illusions, which means that even if Drow finds her farm, Naga willbe able to keep up.

Despite thegame plan, Liquid were unable to win game 2. This is because Drow offers aninteresting strategic option to the team that picks her:

She worksboth in the mid or safe lane, and more importantly – she works both as a pos. 1or pos. 2.

This means that if youfirst-pick Drow and the enemy team over-commits in picking counters, you canuse your last pick to draft your true pos. 1 win condition hero.

In thiscase, EG chose Alchemist. Sniper and Naga are theoretically good vs Drow,but they lack the damage needed to deal with Alch’s regen. Moreover, they are bothnot active heroes that can take map control away from the relativelygreedy Drow + Alch combo. This, along with the brilliant play from Cr1t with ES,enabled EG to find their farm and reach the late game, where they simply had anadvantage in fights and managed to secure the victory.

Nyx is not a perfect counter to Drow by any means,but he is the most successful hero on the tournament so far for a reason (he has 85% win rate at MDL at the time ofwriting this article). Vendetta is a great tool to scout and find Drowwhile she’s farming. Combined with at least one other ganker, Nyx can makefree-farming the jungle very hard for her in the early-mid game. The success ofNyx, however, isn’t that directly related to Drow. He is just a great counterto a big percentage of the top-tier picks right now (Dark Seer, Enigma, NP,Oracle, Ember, Bat). He is useful against Drow, but you cannot rely on him tobe your sole solution for her.

Spectre is one of the heroes that teams have tried touse to counter Drow. Spect’s ultimate directly counters (1) by letting her findand get on top of Drow instantly in fights. Moreover, it could also be used tocounter (2): if you have teammates that can hunt Drow, Spect can join the gankwith Haunt. That said, Spect has a timing problem against Drow. Drow hits avery strong mid-game push timing, which comes before Spectre comes online. Thismeans that if you rely on Spect to win against Drow, you need to also have aplan how to survive the mid game push of the Drow team or how to delay hertiming by actively ganking her and taking control of her jungle.

Phantom Assassin is another classic counter that can work. She obviouslyhas a great mechanic to get on top of Drow, but she is a slower farmer.This means that if you rely on PA to beat a Drow, you need to play aggressivelystraight out of the laning stage (together with your whole team, PA cannot makemoves on her own) to take away Drow’s map control. Otherwise, you risk letting theDrow find her farm. With Hurricane and later in the game MKB and/or SilverEdge, Drow can deal with PA late game.

Tinker & Zeus work vs Drow a bit like Sniper. They cannot geton top of her and they cannot contest her jungle (without the help of theirteam), but they can damage her in fights from a safe distance and they aregreat at anti-pushing, which prevents Drow from ending the game in her strongmid-game timing.

SinceDrow is meta-defining, understanding her counters is also crucial if you’rebetting on MDL matches. Understanding which lineups could work against her andwhich lineups have problems can give you a big advantage for live betting. IfDrow doesn’t get banned, pay close attention to the draft of the enemy team(does it have some of the counters we talked about above?) and to the lastpick(s) of the Drow team (in case they try to move Drow to pos. 2 and pickanother win condition hero). Evaluating these factors well enough could giveyou an advantage over the odds.

Thanksfor reading! If you found this piece interesting, make sure to follow our social media (below) to get notified when we post something new! You can find the 2nd part of our Drow analysis (VP vs Minesky and LGD) here.

Liquid wants to defend the title, and EG will do everything possible to snatch it from them. Here is how the ESL ONE COLOGNE NA Final: EG VS Liquid went down, round by round.

Map picks and bans – ESL ONE Cologne NA –

Map 1: Nuke, Liquid on CT-side

-Secret gets compromised but Liquid holds strong, taking the lead.

-They dominate the next three rounds making the score 4-0

-Naf is dominating with the AUG. Tarik comes with a great first frag in mini and another one in heaven get the plant A, and despite the 3k is not enough. Liquid takes another round.

-This time is Brehze trying to carry the round, but loses the 1v1. Liquid lead extends.

-On the 7th round, cerq with dominating squeaky allows the A plant and lets EG finally getting in the board. NAF saves an awp.

-EG gets reset next round.

-EG rushes down squeaky and secures their second round.

-Liquid is left on a half buy but still get the round resetting EG again. The score is 8-2

-The T-Side takes control of ramp and lower, cleaning up and leaving Twistzz too high a task in a 1v3.

-On their second save round, with only USPS, Liquid is able to take 4 down but still lose the round. Score is 8-5

-Slow take on A site, trading frags and Tarik with a quick 2k with a spray transfer gets EG to 6.

-EG goes outside and brawls their way into secret, Stan and Tarik are left in a 2v3 with B control, but Liquid with pistols finish the first half 9-6.

Second Pistol

-Lquid go fast outside but trades 2 for 3, getting the plant B at least, Naf is left in a 1v3 and wins it with a knife!

-Liquid take outside control and just sit and wait to get fights and they win every single one of them. The score is 11-6.

-After securing an anti eco, Liquid try to take A but get deleted.


-They try to take A again and again are denied

-Cerq comes huge with a 3k outside next round, closing the gap 12-9

-After two rounds for getting pummeled, Liquid finally takes a hold of A site and get to 13 rounds.

-Next round Elige is left in a 1v1 but can’t convert. The score is 13-12.

-Liquid has success outside again, getting to 14.

-This time Liquid holds lobby and eventually try to take ramp control, but ends up in Naf being in a 1v2 but cant win it. Both are 14

-Retake on the lower site is successful and EG are now on 15.

-Liquid manages to get to OT! Nuke is going the distance.

-Super quick take from outside to A puts Liquid on 16.

-Cerq holds the lower from the vents like a god and were tied again.

-EG takes the next two on the lower site. Getting to 18 with Ethan killing 3 from the control room.

-Tarik goes nuts after getting hell control and wins the map for EG. This series is going tooth and nail folks!

Vertigo – ESL ONE Cologne NA –

Map 2: Vertigo, EG on the CT-Side

Pistol round

-Liquid takes B with no retaliation and hold it winning the round. Naf with another knife.

-Anti-eco or not, Liquid keeps having great success at A site, slowly working the ramp, getting the lead up to 5-0

-Next round EG with a great retake on A instead of defending it in the first place, get their first round of the map.

-They get reset, again on the A site, this time the retake does not work.

-Liquid keeps going A and keeps getting rounds. The score is 9-1, Elige is cracking the site open every single time, what a crosshair placement from this man.

Evil Geniuses Vs Team Liquid

-The T-Side switches to B after losing the first couple fights at A, and Twist wins the last 1v1 to give them 10 rounds.

-Going back A, they get another two rounds.

-Finally EG gets aggresive on the A ramp, taking Liquid off ot their game and getting a second round.

-Just like the pistol round, Liquid gets a free plant B on the last round of the half, and finishing it with a 13-2 score. Oof.

Second Pistol

-Very late A take for EG is successful, using lots of utility.

-After two anti-ecoes, EG takes it B and make quick work of it. The score is creeping up 13-6

-T-side keeps pummelling the B bombsite. Closing the gap 13-8

-Twistzz gets an insane 3k with a deagle cleaning up the B bombsite. Being sneaky got Liquid up to 14.

-And a good retake 50 seconds later take them to map point. EG keeps going B.


-Brehze takes two key frags allowing them to plant A, and Tarik wins the 1v1 to keep the map alive for EG.

-Twistzz with two quick Famas frags leaves EG limping into the bombsite to meet their end, and Liquid wins the map 16-9.

Map 3: Inferno, Liquid on the CT-Side.

-Slow alt and apartments walk up for EG, getting two first frags, Tarik is good for another two of his own and they get the plant. Grim loses the 1v2.

-Liquid forces pistols and they pay off, keeping two AKs from the Ts on the process. The score is tied 1-1

-EG forces and tries to split on B from arches and banana, but the bomb gets drop at logs and Liquid gets a second round.

-Stew keeps getting an aggressive position in banana and keeps capitalizing on it. Score is 4-1

-The T-side takes B split with basically a tec-9 from Brehze, and wins the pistol force.

-They try to go B again but Liquid retakes with ease, twice. The score is 6-2.

-EG Switches to A and gets a 3rd round. Liquid really likes playing re-take.

-The same story at B, that’s when re-taking is often risky. Score is 6-4

-Brehze takes two Apts, and just like that the round is over. The amount of successful takes on a bombsite from EG this half has been outstanding.

-Liquid buys only deagles and win the round with three alive. Very impressive.

-Very quick A rush resets Liquid next round though.

-This time, the pistols don not get anything other than one frag for the CT-Side.

-Ethan aim maps top banana ending the half 7-8.

Second Pistol

-Liquid also goes apartments, but go back to mid and push arches to try and plant b but get denied.

-EG is able to hold on after losing 4 against the forced pistols from Liquid.

-After a couple of trades, Twistzz is left in a 1v2 but falls to Brehze, leaving Liquid with only upgraded pistols.

-Late running in with tec-9s is stopped short at A with a 3k from Brehze, the man of the hour.

-Another late take on B site leaves Stan and Brehze in a retake that they fail, the score is 8-12.

-Force buy from EG is successful, making the money across both teams even.

-Arch push from Liquid, but after winning it they go back to B, and tarik sprays 3 down from coffins as they didnt check it, getting EG to 14.

-Tarik with another two after the Ts push a B smoke, and the rest of his team cleans up. 15 for EG.

-Liquid force buys and take apartments and arch quick, trades come in and Stan is left in a 1v2, but dies to Twistzz. 9th round for Liquid.

-An A split against upgraded pistols for EG gets Liquid up to 10.

-Late B take makes the CTs save their guns, the score is slowly closing at 12-15.

-Coupling a couple of Deagles to trade or boost the rifles, EG tries to defend the A site, but Brehze comes in with a 1v3 3k and wins the map. This guy is something else.

Mirage – ESL ONE Cologne NA –

Map 4: Mirage, EG on the CT-Side

Pistol Round

-Liquid splits A from mid and ramp, trading and leaving Elige in a 1v2, getting the plant and two clean headshots.

-Liquid walks into a late B stack that almost works, but despite the force buy Stew secures the round.

-After a 3-0 lead, a default from Liquid ends up in trades all over the map, eventually walking into B again but the retake is good, EG is on the board.

-EG boosts up two to apts very fast, but they get noticed. The T-Side switch to A and take it with ease, Twistzz comes in strong. The score is 3-2. Liquid keeps 4 alive.

Eg Vs Liquid Ti8

-After losing an eco, Brehze retakes B with a 3k and gets EG their third round.

Eg Vs Liquid Live

-A take for Liquid, Brehze gets a quick double but Stew responds with a 2 form his own, is left in a 1v3, he needs the aace to win it but loses to Ethan. The score is 5-3

-Tarik and Cerq retake B in a very awkward way after Brehze gets two kills. (His ADR is 103 at the moment)

-Tec-9s to push B gets Liquid the apartments, and Naf with two deag headshots win the round. Score is 6-4

-EG deny the A take very convincingly, Naf manages to take 2 before saving his AK. Both teams economy is on tatters.

-With a force buy Liquid is able to take A and defend it, Stan tries in a 1v2 but Elige gets the better of him.

-The CT-Side force with upgraded pistols and armour, Almost making it work with Stan sitting in a smoke dead on B site. Elige wins the round with 1 hp. Score is 8-5.

Eg Vs Liquid

– After losing a full eco, Cerq gets a collateral mid and another 2. Finishing the half 9-6.

Second Pistol

-EG sets up for an A take, but Liquid was ready for it.

-Five clean rounds for Liquid, Elige has 116 ADR at the moment. The score is 15-6 (Naf with a cheeky 3k at B Bench.)

-Brehze opens the A site with a double kill after boosting window, and gets a third aftere being left in a 1v2, but falls at the end and Liquid wins the map 16-6.

Map 5: Dust_2, EG on the CT-Side

Pistol Round

-Liquid walks up cat, and they explode taking the site as EG sets up for the re-take, Trades come all over and stew is left in a 1v2, gets bot while they try to defuse the bomb.

-Another four quick rounds for Liquid, Brehze came close to a clutch with a 2k but could not convert. Grim has 193 ADR in these first 4 rounds.

-Stan and Brehze stay strong holding A and finally getting EG on the board.

-Liquid goes long fast and Grim gets a quick 2k but gets Team killed by Twistzz and they fall back to B tunnels. Cerq is trying to defend as Stan comes in from the flank, with one frag each, the retake is good and they secure EGs’ second round. The score is 2-5.

-Ethan and Brehze delete the B push. 3k for Brehze.

-Elige with a 3k with nothing but a deagle, but is not enough. Score is 4-5

-Liquid goes fast cat again and again stalls for a second, eventually getting another 2 and Ethan is forced to save.

-EG has to full save and they push long, killing Naf but nothing else. Score is 4-7.

-Tarik with a great 2k flanking the mid to B smoke and another two Stan give the round to the CTs.

-They get reset after Liquid takes A.

-EG force but still lose.

Eg Vs Liquid Esl Pro League

-Twistzz buys an auto and gets Cerq crossing, however the force this time works Brehze and Ethan coming in huge, one with a scout and the other with a deagle. The half ends 6-9

Second Pistol

-Elige gets aggressive on cat and gets two but Tarik responds with two of his own. Everybody keeps fighting mid but Liquid comes on top.

-This time, Elige gets 3 after pushing long dumpster, Ethan and Cerq are left to plant on the A site, and Ethan wins the 1v2. The score is 7-11.

-EG go long again and everybody trades, Tarik is left in a 1v2 coming in from lurking B. Kills Stan in CT and runs into CAT. The bomb is down outside long doors, Tarik sprays Elige down and converts.

-After an anti-eco, EG try to go out long again but get stopped and Ethan is left in a 1v2 but this time loses. The score is 9-12

-The T-side pushes cat and gets A control right away, the three remaining CTs are forced to save, and EG has now 10 rounds.

-B rush deletes the partial buy from Liquid.

-EG keeps speeding up, they take long and don’t even need to plant, one by one liquid peeks and dies. The score is tied 12-12.

-Brehze cleans up the upgraded pistols from Liquid at long and they take their time to walk up to the site. Stew tries to bring a p250 to a clutch and falls.

-This time is Cerq methodically peeking long finding 3 frags, and getting EG up to 14. Liquids distress is showing.

-Nothing but an m4, deagles and armour for the CT side, Grim is good for 2 with the m4, but EG finds the plant A. Naf gets another 2 but falls to Cerqs’ AWP. EG is at Championship Point.

-Full buy on both sides, EG goes cat fast again, and get the plant, Ethan gets two, and Cerq gets the final kill, recovering from a brawl of a match, and winning the Esl one Cologne 2020 NA Final!

EG Champions of ESL ONE Cologne 2020 –


What a ride, we went the distance, most rounds were fought down to the last man. Every player had a moment of brilliance throughout the match, seeing Elige and Brehze going head to head, these fragging machines is one of the best things in a final like this. In the end, the mental fortitude of EG came on top, and despite Grim playing quite well, he is still a new addition to the line-up.

Overall a joy to watch. Can’t wait to see this rivalry growing throughout the years.

Eg Vs Liquid Hltv

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